Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The importance of Lifting Equipment Inspection and how it can improve safety.

 Providing safety is a priority for a lot of people. Whether it be those working in the construction industry - a dangerous place to work - or those working in an office, the idea of staying safe is always at the forefront of peoples' minds. This means making sure you're taking every step possible to ensure your safety. But what can you do to ensure that you're safe and not putting yourself in danger? What can you do to make sure you're using the right kind of equipment?

With a sea change in the way industrial equipment is produced to improve safety and reduce worker’s compensation payments, every piece of industrial lifting equipment is a little different, and thinking about how you inspect your equipment will be crucial.

Check for broken chains, frayed rope or chains with any signs of rusting or corrosion. If there are any loose bolts or nuts, tighten them up as soon as possible so they don’t get lost and cause future damage to the machine’s functions. Whether you’re working as a welder or rigging manager, this blog will walk you through the steps of safe processes in Lifting Equipment Inspection Dubai, Abu Dhabi.

What to look for in the lifting equipment inspection

It is important to start by taking time to familiarize yourself with the lifting equipment, making sure you understand how it works and how it is used. The next step is to inspect the equipment looking for damage such as tears and cuts in straps, cables or chains; corrosion on hooks, shackles or other components; wear on ropes or wire ropes; and any other signs of damage.

Next you need to look for signs of overloading including excessive wear or deformation on any parts of the equipment, stretching or distortion in cables or chains, ropes showing signs of deterioration such as heat damage, broken wires in wire ropes and welded connections showing signs of cracking.

You should also check that every component has been properly assembled and fitted correctly including clamps, bolts, clips etc. Check that no components are missing and that there are no loose parts. Pay particular attention to shackles.

Lifting Equipment Inspection Regulations and the Law

The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) require employers to ensure that all lifting equipment is thoroughly examined by a competent person at least once every six months.

The purpose of these examinations is to ascertain whether the lifting equipment is safe to use and remains fit for purpose. The thorough examination report must be made available to whoever uses the equipment as well as the relevant Health & Safety Executive (HSE).

The Ministry of Labour in the UAE has a strong commitment to ensuring the safety of workers. This includes ensuring that the lifting equipment used by workers is safe and of high quality.

        Lifting equipment comes in many forms, including pallet trucks, cranes, hoists, forklifts and slings. The inspection and testing procedures for each piece of lifting equipment are different. However, there are some general rules which all must follow if they are to meet the requirements of the UAE Ministry of Labour. 

        Lifting equipment used for lifting loads exceeding 100 kg must be inspected by a competent person at least once every six months or every 12 months if there is no risk of incidents arising from using such equipment.

        Lifting equipment used for lifting loads exceeding 1,000 kg must be inspected by a competent person at least once every three months or once every six months if there is no risk of incidents arising from using such equipment.

If the lifting equipment is used in harsh environments (e.g., in marine or offshore industries), it must be inspected at least once every three months regardless of the weight load being lifted. For example, winches and reels used in fishing must be inspected according to this schedule as they are subject to harsh weather conditions

What can happen if you don’t do it?

First, there’s the obvious risk that someone could get hurt. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) estimates that more than 20,000 people are injured every year by lifting equipment. In some cases, accidents are fatal.We all know that lifting operations can be dangerous - but with proper precautions in place, there is no reason why they need to be fatal.

Then there’s the financial risk approximately 30% of all workers compensation claims involve some sort of manual handling incident. The average payout per claim is heavy, which adds up quickly for a business operating at scale.

Importance of Ongoing maintenance and record-keeping

Regular inspections such as on Lifting and Pressure Equipment Inspection Dubai, Abu Dhabi are essential to ensure that all equipment is safe for use. If a piece of equipment has become damaged, it could cause an accident which could injure or even kill the people using it.

Lifting equipment includes any equipment that is used at work for lifting or lowering loads or people.

This can include:

        Lifting accessories (e.g. slings, eye bolts and shackles)

        Lifting gear (e.g. jacks and trolleys)

        Lifting machines (e.g. cranes, hoists and forklift trucks)

An inspection must be carried out at appropriate intervals by a competent person. The frequency will depend on the type of equipment and how it is used. Generally, more frequent inspections should be carried out where there is a greater risk of damage during use.

  1. Reducing the risk factor

Inspecting lifting equipment will help you to identify any damage or wear and tear before putting them into use. This will help to avert accidents at workplaces when a damaged machine can snap causing injuries or even death.

  1. Safe work place

The frequency of inspection for lifting equipment varies depending on their usage and the nature of their usage. A safe workplace is one where there are no risks in terms of machinery and environment. When you inspect your machinery regularly, you can make necessary repairs or replacements before they cause any harm to the employees or affect the productivity of your business.

  1. Improved safety standards

Safety standards are important as they help to keep workers safe while they are working on a specific project. These standards also include using proper safety measures such as using personal protection equipment (PPE) when handling heavy machinery like lifting equipment.

Consult a company that provides Lifting Equipment Inspection And Quality Control Dubai, Abu Dhabi and is well-informed on the international and local standards that your equipment needs to comply with.

  1. Builds customer reliability

This is the most important benefit that a company gets from doing regular inspections on its lifting equipment. Customers will trust your company and will not doubt your sincerity. When you inspect your equipment regularly, you show them that you care about their safety and comfort. This makes them feel secure and comfortable when they are working at your workplace.

  1. Reduce costs

When an accident occurs, it will cost you money. In addition to the damage caused by the accident, there may be time lost as well as possible legal costs. Inspection will help to keep accidents from happening and thus reduce costs.

  1. Improves the quality of goods

When your equipment is inspected regularly, any problems that could affect the quality of your work will be discovered quickly and addressed before they cause further issues. This will allow you to maintain the highest possible quality in your work.

How often should lifting equipment be inspected?

The short answer is that there is no set time period for inspecting lifting equipment, but this does not mean that it should not be done on a regular basis.

An inspection will depend on the type of equipment and how often it is used. If you use your hoist to lift heavy loads every day, you need to inspect it more frequently than if you only lift once a month.

There are a lot of elements that go into lifting equipment, and each one needs to be inspected regularly. This includes cables, shackles, slings and hooks.

UAE Third Party Lifting Equipment Inspection

URS Middle East is a company that offers 3rd party inspection in Dubai, Abu Dhabi. We are committed to providing our clients with independent and objective inspection services, which they can rely on in all respects. We are dedicated to providing high-quality inspection services by using highly trained inspectors, state of the art testing equipment, accurate reporting and fast service time. Our inspectors are qualified in accordance with ISO/IEC 17020:2012 Conformity assessment Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection.



Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Role of Regular Water Testing to Keep Employees Safe


Water is life but most times we overlook the fact that water is finite and invaluable. We have become used to water and it is one of the major ingredients of most production processes at homes and in industries. 


People have become ignorant to the fact that water doesn't come out of anywhere. It requires knowledge, experience, and expertise to make water safe to drink and use. And we all know how vital water is to us. 


Water testing is often an overlooked process that is critical for our safety and health. It includes water analysis, site analysis, and environmental conditions to determine the water quality.


To understand the risks of untested water, EIAC accredited laboratory in UAE educates you on the type of contaminants present in toxic water and their effects on human health and the environment.

  1. Biological contaminants

They are harmful organisms such as viruses, bacteria, protozoa and parasites. 

2.                  Chemical contaminants

These are artificial and natural elements and compounds that may affect living things. Examples are chlorine, salts, bleach, nitrogen etc. 

3.                  Physical contaminants

Substances that negatively affect the physical properties of water. For example sand, dirt or heavy metal particulates.

4.                  Radiological contaminants

All elements with unstable nuclei can negatively affect the physical and chemical framework of our bodies on a cellular level. Such as uranium and plutonium. It emanates from radioactivity. 


Some effects of untested water used for the industry may not be severe but at most times there could be serious health complications or even death. The worst scenario is some symptoms of infection may not be noticeable for years. 


The most common symptoms of contaminated water consumption are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and cramps. Severe conditions may be gastrointestinal problems, waterborne diseases such as typhoid, salmonella, dysentery, hepatitis  A, meningitis, etc and they can be fatal if not medically treated. 


Industries contaminated water can clog pipes and machines cause them to malfunction or break or contaminate the final products. Untested water negatively affects the quality and safety of raw materials and products that a business uses or manufacturers. Unacceptable levels of toxic are a catastrophe result that could be avoided with water testing. 


If you consider the severe consequences of using untested water, you'll realize that water testing is paramount for human and environmental safety. 

  1. Site analysis

Water testing involves analyzing the source of the water, where it comes from and where it gets its water.

2.                  Environment analysis

Water testing expounds on the surroundings of the water source, the weather conditions, the accessibility of the water source and quality testing.


The most effective and safest way of choosing a water testing method is to call an expert. It is a science that URS, an ISO accredited laboratory in Dubai, has scientists who are professionals in calculating all the possibilities. The commercial and financial perks of hiring experts that conduct water testing offer comprehensive water analysis and monitoring services. 


Laboratories that offer services in environmental testing in Dubai monitor the environmental conditions to keep track of the hydrological cycle at a given location, thus taking a step towards identifying future possible problems with the water and the source. An accredited testing company has professional laboratories where extensive water testing, data analysis and reporting takes place. 


Although not much has changed with water testing, sampling and laboratory analysis in the past few years, there has been a significant advancement in precision, sensitivity, and consistency. Consequently, data analysis and monitoring of environmental conditions constitute the water testing processes. 


Now, laboratory scientists who offer water testing services in the UAE have been able to identify emerging water contaminants that were not previously noticeable. For effective water chemical testing, industries and people have to stay updated with new and upcoming technology to increase public safety


Early testing with high tech helps business owners to determine the positive and negative effects of their industrial activities. This saves them money, boosts efficiency and improves the quality of raw materials and the final products. Water testing helps them to protect water sources that will be most useful and valuable. 


The new changes in technologies affect the field of water treatment also. Currently, there are more effective ways developed by testing laboratories in Dubai of obtaining potable water from contaminated sources with technologies such as high pressure and two-stage membrane filtration, Euglena biofiltration, ultraviolet irradiation, photocatalytic water purification etc.  


Businesses owners are leaping these technologies for they are cheap and more efficient in purifying water. With the importance of sustainability and ecology raising awareness, it's only logical that businesses ensure the safety of the most valuable resource - water. 


In the long run, responsible management of water sources, partaking in early water testing in Dubai, prevents casualties, financial loss and boosts the reputation of businesses involved in ensuring consumption of safe water. 


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